Woman sits in office at desk reading papers, another office building visible through a window in the background

Advertise in HSR


Health Services Research is now offering ePDF advertising opportunities. Organizations seeking to easily reach influential decision-makers can do so by placing advertisement prominently at the top of HSR articles in ePDF format, ensuring that their messages will easily reach their target audiences with precision and unparalleled engagement.

Why should you advertise in HSR?

Online journals are the top choice for article readers who are leaders in various professional communities, making ePDF advertising an effective way for organizations to easily reach influential decision-makers. Advertising in HSR ensures your ability to reach the health service researchers, managers, policymakers, providers and students who read HSR and make key decisions in the health services space.

The value of ePDF Advertising:

  • Exclusive sponsorship: Be the sole advertiser associated with the article.
  • High visibility: Ensure your message is impossible to miss at the top of the article, viewable above-the-fold to best capture your target audience's attention.
  • High engagement: Our highest performing ad units with actionable links, delivering measurable data.
  • Trusted content: Associate your message with expert-generated journal content, establishing authority and credibility.
  • Drive results: Accelerate success with comprehensive reporting

Now also supporting HTML5 ad units with rich media such as audio and video, this interactive solution seamlessly integrates ads with HSR journal articles for maximum impact.

Discover how our ePDF advertising can transform your brand's visibility, credibility and engagement. Contact us today at hsr@aha.org for more information.