Volume 50 | Number 5 | October 2015

Abstract List

Mark Dusheiko Ph.D., Hugh Gravelle Ph.D., Stephen Martin Ph.D., Peter C. Smith M.A.


To investigate whether better management of chronic conditions by family practices reduces mortality risk.


Two random samples of 5 million patients registered with over 8,000 English family practices followed up for 4 years (2004/5–2007/8). Measures of the quality of disease management for 10 conditions were constructed for each family practice for each year. The outcome measure was an indicator taking the value 1 if the patient died during a specified year, 0 otherwise.

Study Design

Cross‐section and multilevel panel data multiple logistic regressions were estimated. Covariates included age, gender, morbidity, hospitalizations, attributed socio‐economic characteristics, and local health care supply measures.

Principal Findings

Although a composite measure of the quality of disease management for all 10 conditions was significantly associated with lower mortality, only the quality of stroke care was significant when all 10 quality measures were entered in the regression.


The panel data results suggest that a 1 percent improvement in the quality of stroke care could reduce the annual number of deaths in England by 782 [95 percent : 423, 1140]. A longer study period may be necessary to detect any mortality impact of better management of other conditions.