Volume 49 | Number 4 | August 2014

Abstract List

Fredric Blavin Ph.D., M.S., Genevieve M. Kenney Ph.D., Michael Huntress M.S.


To estimate the impact of implementation on Medicaid/ enrollment in eight states.

Data Sources/Study Setting

2007 to 2011 data from the Statistical Enrollment Data System () on Medicaid/ enrollment.

Study Design

We estimate difference‐in‐difference equations, with quarter and state fixed effects. The key independent variable is an indicator for whether the state had in place in the given quarter, allowing the experience of statistically matched non‐ states to serve as a formal counterfactual against which to assess the changes in the eight states. The model also controls for time‐varying economic and policy factors within each state.

Data Collection/Extraction Methods

We obtained enrollment data from .

Principal Findings

Across model specifications, the effects on Medicaid enrollment among children were consistently positive, ranging between 4.0 and 7.3 percent, with most estimates statistically significant at the 5 percent level. We also find that increased combined Medicaid/ enrollment.


Our results imply that has been an effective way for states to increase enrollment and retention among children eligible for Medicaid/. These results also imply that ‐like policies could improve take‐up of subsidized coverage under the .