Volume 42 | Number 1p2 | February 2007

Abstract List

Patricia M. San Antonio, Lori Simon‐Rusinowitz, Dawn Loughlin, J. Kevin Eckert, Kevin J. Mahoney


To examine how the lives of consumers and their caregivers were affected by making choices and controlling their own resources with the cash option, this paper focuses on six case studies from the Cash and Counseling Demonstration Program.

Data Sources

Twenty‐one consumers, caregivers, and state consultants were interviewed about their experiences in the program.

Study Design

The data come from a larger study of over 200 interviews conducted from June 2000 to August 2004. Interview data were analyzed for themes about caregiving and program satisfaction.

Principal Findings

Cash and Counseling benefited consumers and caregivers by allowing consumers increased continuity and reliability of care, increased ability to set hours of care, more satisfaction with how caregiving is offered and more satisfaction with the quality of care.


The cash option allowed consumers to create, schedule, and manage their own model of care. Some consumers faced challenges in the program with paperwork, accounting, worries about receiving care, and some ineffective state consultants who could have been more helpful.